Sensitive Fern
Price: 13.95The Sensitive Fern, Onoclea
sensibilis, is a large, somewhat coarse deciduous
fern which occurs in wet woods and thickets and in
moist soils along streams and springs. Sensitive

Christmas Fern
Price: 13.95The Christmas Fern, Polystichum
acrostichoides, occurs in both dry and moist wooded
slopes, moist banks and ravines. It typically grows
in a fountain-like clump to 2' tall and feat...Read

Cinnamon Fern
Price: 13.95The Cinnamon Fern, Osmunda cinnamonea,
occurs in moist, boggy ground along streams and on
shaded ledges and grows in clumps to 2'-3' tall, but
with constant moisture can reach 5' i...Read

Ebony Spleenwort Fern
Price: 13.95Ebony Spleenwort Fern, Asplenium
platyneuron, is an evergreen fern which typically
grows to 15" tall and occurs on rocky wooded ledges,
rocky slopes and mossy banks. Plant in dry, ...Read

Hayscented Fern
Price: 13.95The Hayscented Fern, Dennstaedtia
punctilobula, is very common. It can be identified
by its lacy, light-green fronds that feel very
slightly sticky to the touch. It often grows in ...Read

Leatherwood Fern
Price: 13.95The Leatherwood Fern or Marginal
Shield Fern is an evergreen fern which typically
forms a non-spreading, vase-shaped clump to 1.5-2'
(infrequently to 3') tall. This is a woodland f...Read

Royal Fern
Price: 13.95The Royal Fern, Osmunda regalis, is a
tall, deciduous fern which usually occurs on moist
bluffs and ledges and along streams (sometimes
growing in the water). The broad fronds have...Read

Southern Lady Fern
Price: 13.95The Lady fern or Red Stem fern has a
feathery textured frond with a red stem. It is a
slow spreading fern, which will make a nice mass in
a few years. The Southern Lady fern thrive...Read

Toothwood Fern
Price: 13.95The Toothwood Fern, Dryopteris
spinulosais, is a delightful lacy plant. The
Toothwood Fern, also known as the Narrow Buckler
Fern, has true fern foliage that is a rich, deep
green ...Read

Walking Fern
Price: 13.95The Walking Fern, Camptosorus
rhizophyllus, is an interesting little plant. The
common name comes from the fact that the leaves
sprout new plants at their apices. After a few

Japanese Painted Fern
Price: 15.95The ‘Japanese Painted Fern’, Athyrium
niponicum ‘Pictum', is a low maintance, deciduous
fern with soft grayish-green and silvery dark maroon
foliage. Being the Perennial of the Yea...Read

American Maidenhair Fern
Price: 13.95The American Maidenhair Fern,
Adiantum pedatum, is a deciduous, clump-forming fern
which typically grows 1.5 to 2' tall and is most
frequently found on rich wooded slopes, ravine b...Read